This study investigates the relationship between pressure and burst rates in water distribution systems. The study aims to understand how pressure affects burst rates under both steady-state and pressure-managed conditions,
The Code of Practice for the Seismic Performance of Non-structural Elements (NSE CoP) is a new resource designed to improve practices and ensure consistency in the seismic design, coordination, and construction
Droughts can have significant and varied impacts in urban areas. Such impacts range from the direct costs of water interruptions on businesses, the intangible costs of water restrictions on households,
A report developed for the Building Innovation Partnership at the University of Canterbury and Wellington Water by Cedric Papion, Stantec. Reviewed by Dr Theuns Henning, Building Innovation Partnership and the
Compliance checking is an essential part of a construction project. The recent rapid uptake of building information models (BIM) in the construction industry has created more opportunities for automated
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a valuable tool to support health and safety throughout the building life cycle. This report focuses on it use in the building operation and
This research project was a research collaboration between the Building Innovation Partnership (BIP) and the Geospatial Research Institute Toi Hangarau (GRI) at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, conducted
We are determined to reduce our industry’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to net-zero by 2050. We are committed to New Zealand’s Zero Carbon Act and its goal to ensure our
Recent studies on non-structural elements (NSEs) in New Zealand have found that there is insufficient knowledge about the seismic performance of NSEs and particularly how this performance impacts their primary
CCTV plays an essential role in keeping sewer pipe performance at a desirable level. A sewer pipe condition score is normally assigned to each sewer pipe based on the type,